Day-48 - ECS

Day-48 - ECS

What is ECS?

ECS (Elastic Container Service) is a fully-managed container orchestration service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows you to run and manage Docker containers on a cluster of virtual machines (EC2 instances) without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.

With ECS, you can easily deploy, manage, and scale your containerized applications using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the API. ECS supports both "Fargate" and "EC2 launch types", which means you can run your containers on AWS-managed infrastructure or your own EC2 instances.

ECS also integrates with other AWS services, such as Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, and Amazon VPC, allowing you to build scalable and highly available applications. Additionally, ECS has support for Docker Compose and Kubernetes, making it easy to adopt existing container workflows.

Overall, ECS is a powerful and flexible container orchestration service that can help simplify the deployment and management of containerized applications in AWS.

Difference between EKS and ECS?

EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) and ECS (Elastic Container Service) are both container orchestration platforms provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). While both platforms allow you to run containerized applications in the AWS cloud, there are some differences between the two.

Architecture: ECS is based on a centralized architecture, where there is a control plane that manages the scheduling of containers on EC2 instances. On the other hand, EKS is based on a distributed architecture, where the Kubernetes control plane is distributed across multiple EC2 instances.

Kubernetes Support: EKS is a fully managed Kubernetes service, meaning that it supports Kubernetes natively and allows you to run your Kubernetes workloads on AWS without having to manage the Kubernetes control plane. ECS, on the other hand, has its own orchestration engine and does not support Kubernetes natively.

Scaling: EKS is designed to automatically scale your Kubernetes cluster based on demand, whereas ECS requires you to configure scaling policies for your tasks and services.

Flexibility: EKS provides more flexibility than ECS in terms of container orchestration, as it allows you to customize and configure Kubernetes to meet your specific requirements. ECS is more restrictive in terms of the options available for container orchestration.

Community: Kubernetes has a large and active open-source community, which means that EKS benefits from a wide range of community-driven development and support. ECS, on the other hand, has a smaller community and is largely driven by AWS itself.

In summary, EKS is a good choice if you want to use Kubernetes to manage your containerized workloads on AWS, while ECS is a good choice if you want a simpler, more managed platform for running your containerized applications.

Task :

Set up ECS (Elastic Container Service) by setting up Nginx on ECS.

1)Create an ECS cluster:

In the ECS service, click on "Create Cluster".

Configure the cluster settings, such as the cluster name, VPC, subnet.

Click on 'Create'.

Cluster is successfully created.

2)Register task definition:

A Task Definition in AWS ECS is a blueprint for running containers, specifying details like container images, CPU and memory allocation, environment variables, and networking settings.

Go to the Task Definitions page on the ECS console.

Create a new task definition and select “Fargate” as the launch type.

Configure the task with the required settings like task size (CPU and memory).

Add a container definition for your NGINX server. Here, you'll specify the image for NGINX (you can use the official NGINX image from Docker Hub).

3) Configure and Launch the Service

A service in AWS ECS creates a task by instantiating a task definition, where a task represents a running container. The service is responsible for managing and maintaining the container's desired state and scalability.

Return to your ECS cluster and select “Services”.

Create a new service and select the task definition you created.

Configure the service - set the number of desired tasks, and network and security settings.

Launch the service. AWS Fargate will start and manage the containers for you.

4)Access the NGINX Application

Find the public IP of your running task (available in the task details in the ECS console).

Access NGINX by entering the public IP in your web browser. You should see the NGINX welcome page.

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